I love running on holiday… especially planning and exploring new routes. I’ve just returned from a week in Bude in Cornwall and managed to squeeze in three runs around sandcastle building, wave jumping and eating ice cream.

Field on the way to Widemouth Bay

The routes included coastal paths, beaches, winding country roads with high hedges and tantalising glimpse of the sea through breaks in the hedges, fields of wheat and canal towpaths where I saw herons, thrushes, ducks, moorhens, coots and loads of butterflies.

They were runs for the pleasure of running and being outside. The Garmin was on (to log the miles for my 2018 1000k challenge medal), but I didn’t look at pace, times or distance. The routes were challenging in places – undulating (a word often found on race descriptions when it would be more accurate to say ‘chock-off hilly’) with varying terrain.

Widemouth Bay

I walked a little, I stopped to take photos and bloody loved every minute of every run.

Back home and I’m missing the sound and smell of the sea but am thinking of ways to include new routes and challenges into my running. Who knows where this will end ?