I’ve entered the Manchester Marathon. It’s about six months away and so I’m currently comfortable with my decision. I kind of assumed I’m not getting a place in London and so took advantage of an early bird offer and a guaranteed place in a spring 2109 marathon.

I think I need about five months to train so I can allow for colds, injuries, extreme weather conditions and child-related emergencies. That means I’ll need to start training in about six or seven weeks’ time (not actually that far away).

And I’ve started planning – well I’ve read a couple of articles about what not to do (apparently you have to train for 26.2 miles, not just turn up on the day – who knew?) and have researched training schedules. Well, I say researched. I mentioned to my personal trainer I had entered and he sent me a schedule he’s used previously. With a few tweaks it should fit into the child/work/running a home/governor schedule.

I’m not planning to let marathon training take over my blog, but it’s going to feature heavily in my life. So you can expect a few posts about what a slog training is in winter and questioning my sanity when I clicked the enter button and handed over a (pretty big) wodge of hard-earned cash.


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